10 Shocking Adobe Target Features You Aren’t Using But Should!

woman shocked about something.

Are you maximizing your website’s potential for creating personalized experiences and increasing conversion rates? Adobe Target, a powerful Adobe Experience Cloud component, might be the key to unlocking this potential. Despite its widespread use among digital marketers, some of Adobe Target’s most powerful features remain underutilized. These hidden gems can revolutionize your approach to website… Continue reading 10 Shocking Adobe Target Features You Aren’t Using But Should!

The Latest Game-Changer in Personalization: Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes with Adobe Target

People at a crowded coffee shop.

In the world of digital marketing, personalization has emerged as a powerful tool to engage customers and drive sales. The need to create good and focused content has increased with the rise of consumers who demand personalized experiences. Adobe emerged as a leader in this space with its Experience Cloud and Experience Platform. Adobe offers… Continue reading The Latest Game-Changer in Personalization: Real-Time CDP Profile Attributes with Adobe Target

Insights from the 2023 Adobe Summit 

Do you feel overwhelmed and wonder if there is a way to personalize customer experiences without causing chaos in your organization? At this year’s Adobe Summit conference in Las Vegas, many shared their struggles to progress without becoming swallowed up by ever-expanding customer demands and the ever-changing technology landscape. What we discovered may surprise you… Continue reading Insights from the 2023 Adobe Summit 

How to Personalize Your Website for Black Friday

Introduction It’s that time of year again! As the leaves begin to change and the weather gets chilly, businesses large and small start preparing for one of the busiest shopping days of the year: Black Friday. If your company doesn’t have a plan in place yet, don’t worry—we’re here to help. In this blog post,… Continue reading How to Personalize Your Website for Black Friday

How to Define Your Testing and Optimization KPIs

People working in an office at a meeting.

Introduction When testing and optimizing your website or mobile app, it is essential to track your key performance indicators (KPIs). Without proper KPIs in place, you won’t be able to measure the success or failure of individual activities. Defining and tracking the overall testing and optimization program is also essential. Understanding the impact of the… Continue reading How to Define Your Testing and Optimization KPIs

3 Simple A/B Tests to Help Increase Conversion Rates

a/b test image

Introduction A/B testing, also known as split testing, compares two versions of a web page or app to see which one performs better. A/B testing can test different designs, headlines, calls to action, and other elements of a website or app. By running a simple A/B test, you can quickly determine which version of a… Continue reading 3 Simple A/B Tests to Help Increase Conversion Rates

How to make your optimization program grow

A woman is smiling while in a meeting room.

Introduction Optimization is a process that can help your organization grow and improve. Optimization in the digital space focuses on experimentation and creating personalized customer experiences. By implementing the right tools and techniques, you can set up a governance model to help ensure that the optimization program matures in a way that benefits the entire… Continue reading How to make your optimization program grow

What you need to know about Adobe Target’s Automated Personalization and ML features

man looks at a computer screen.

Introduction Adobe Target uses automated personalization (AP) and advanced machine learning to help companies create more personalized web experiences for their customers. AP allows companies to target specific segments of their customer base with unique content, recommendations, and offers. Advanced machine learning helps Adobe Target better understand customer behavior to provide even more personalized content… Continue reading What you need to know about Adobe Target’s Automated Personalization and ML features

Adobe Experience Platform Post Four: Real-time Customer Data Platform

London Underground

Introduction In my fourth and final blog post on Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), I cover the tool generating massive interest from brands of all industries and sizes, Adobe’s Real-time Customer Data Platform. The Adobe Real-time Customer Data Platform (Real-time CDP) is a powerful tool that helps companies combine known and anonymous data from multiple enterprise… Continue reading Adobe Experience Platform Post Four: Real-time Customer Data Platform