How to Personalize Your Website for Black Friday


It's that time of year again! As the leaves begin to change and the weather gets chilly, businesses large and small start preparing for one of the busiest shopping days of the year: Black Friday. If your company doesn't have a plan in place yet, don't worry—we're here to help. In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to personalize your website for Black Friday so you can attract more shoppers and make more sales.

1. Offer Exclusive Deals and Discounts (as well as early access)

One way to personalize your website for Black Friday is to offer exclusive deals and discounts that are only available to your online shoppers or a subset of those shoppers with specific traits. This will entice people to visit your website and make a purchase. Most people start actively searching for Black Friday deals a week or two before the actual day. Offer your best customers early access to deals and give them a reason to shop with you first. You can promote these deals and discounts through your email list, social media channels, and paid advertising. According to the 2022 Holiday Shopping Forecast by Adobe Digital Insights, online retail growth will be lower this holiday season due to increasing inflation. Still, price-sensitive consumers are willing to purchase if they think there is a strong enough value proposition. Focus on your messaging and tailor this to your customer.

2. Create a Dedicated Landing Page

Another way to personalize your website for Black Friday is to create a dedicated landing page. This landing page should be designed specifically for Black Friday shoppers and should include all of the deals and discounts you are offering. The landing page should be easy to navigate and should have a strong call-to-action (CTA). Do some CTA testing ahead of Black Friday using tools such as Adobe Target. This way, you can understand what type of CTAs work best for your customers, and your landing pages will be optimized before hand.

3. Use Live Chat

Using live chat on your website is a great way to personalize the user experience. During busy times like Black Friday, live chat can be used to answer questions, provide support, and close sales. Having a live chat feature on your website will show shoppers that you are available and willing to help them with their purchase decisions. This is also helpful as in-store shopping is set to increase. Live chat can also help support users looking for support while shopping in-store. It is also a great reason to make sure your mobile experiences are optimized.

4. Send Personalized Emails

Sending personalized emails is another great way to show shoppers that you value their business. You can use data from previous purchases to send targeted emails with personalized product recommendations. You can also use email marketing campaigns to promote deals and discounts for Black Friday.


Personalizing your website for Black Friday is a great way to increase sales and conversions during the holiday season. By offering exclusive deals and discounts, creating a dedicated landing page, using live chat, and sending personalized emails, you will be able to provide an exceptional customer experience that will keep shoppers coming back long after Black Friday has ended.

Cover Photo by Surface on Unsplash

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