What you need to know about Adobe Target’s Automated Personalization and ML features


Adobe Target uses automated personalization (AP) and advanced machine learning to help companies create more personalized web experiences for their customers. AP allows companies to target specific segments of their customer base with unique content, recommendations, and offers. Advanced machine learning helps Adobe Target better understand customer behavior to provide even more personalized content and recommendations.


1. What is automated personalization (AP)?

2. How does AP work?

3. What are the benefits of using AP and machine learning in Adobe Target?

What is automated personalization (AP)?

Automated personalization (AP) is an activity type that allows companies to target specific segments of their customer base with unique content, recommendations, and offers. AP uses algorithms to automatically create personalized experiences for customers based on their individual preferences and behavior. This includes customized content, product recommendations, and targeted offers.

AP is a powerful tool for companies because it allows them to specifically target customers most likely to be interested in their products or services. It also helps to improve customer engagement and loyalty by providing them with tailored content and recommendations.

AP activities use advanced machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence that helps Adobe Target better understand customer behavior so that it can provide even more personalized content and recommendations. Machine learning algorithms analyze customer data to identify patterns and trends. This information is then used to improve the accuracy of predictions about future customer behavior.

Adobe Target's machine learning capabilities constantly allow it to learn and improve over time. This means that the personalized experiences will become more accurate and relevant as more data is collected.

How does automated personalization (AP) work?

AP uses algorithms to automatically create personalized experiences for customers based on their individual preferences and behavior. This includes customized content, product recommendations, and targeted offers.

The automated personalization system uses a Random Forest algorithm to determine the best experience for each visitor. This can be valuable in finding out what content will work well with your audience and allowing machine learning and data science teams elsewhere on site to make decisions about which messages are most likely to achieve their goals - all without human intervention!

The Random Forest model in Target is an ensemble of decision trees that predict which experience will have the highest likelihood of conversion or revenue per visit. With this approach, we can use our data to find those visitors most likely to convert into customers by offering tailored experiences based on their past and current on-site behavior.

Target's automated personalization service is included as the Target Premium solution. It isn't available to use without purchasing a license for their premium package, which comes at an extra price but provides many benefits, including increased sales and better customer experiences.

What are the benefits of using AP and machine learning in Adobe Target?

The benefits of using AP and machine learning together in Adobe Target are:

1. They allow companies to target specific segments of their customer base with unique content, recommendations, and offers. In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of integrating RTCDP and Target. AP activities make this integration even more beneficial.

2. AP helps companies better understand customer behavior to provide even more personalized content and recommendations.

3. Advanced machine learning helps Adobe Target to learn and improve over time constantly. This means that the personalized experiences will become more accurate and relevant as more data is collected.

What are the potential drawbacks of using AP and machine learning in Adobe Target?

A few potential drawbacks exist to using AP and machine learning together in Adobe Target. These include:

1. The reliance on algorithms means that there is always the potential for errors as the models build.

2. Due to the algorithm's high number of decision trees, it can be difficult for analysts to deep-dive into the reporting.

3. Using machine learning algorithms can sometimes result in unexpected results.

Despite these potential drawbacks, the benefits of using AP and machine learning together in Adobe Target far outweigh the negatives. Personalized experiences can be extremely valuable to companies and their customers.


Automated personalization, or AP, is a process that uses algorithms to automatically create personalized experiences for customers based on their individual preferences and behavior. This includes customized content, product recommendations, and targeted offers. AP is a powerful tool for companies because it allows them to specifically target customers most likely to be interested in their products or services. It also helps to improve customer engagement and loyalty by providing them with tailored content and recommendations. In addition, advanced machine learning allows Adobe Target to constantly learn and improve over time, making its personalized experiences even more accurate and relevant. While there are some potential drawbacks to using AP and machine learning together in Adobe Target, the benefits far outweigh any negative aspects. Companies that employ these technologies together can expect improved customer engagement and loyalty and more accurate predictions about future customer behavior.

Cover Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

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