Adobe Target VEC Helper Extension Update You Need to Know

Starting back in June, Google began disabling Manifest V2 extensions in Chrome. This update directly impacts users of the old Adobe Target VEC Helper extension, leading to the extension being disabled on their browsers.

Why is this happening? Google transitioned from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 for Chrome extensions. This change aims to improve security, privacy, and performance. As a result, all Manifest V2 extensions, including the Adobe Target VEC Helper, will no longer be supported.

What does this mean for you? If you use the Adobe Target VEC Helper extension to visually author activities on your website, you must switch to the new Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper extension. This updated extension is already available on the Google Web Store and provides the necessary functionality to continue your visual authoring tasks without interruption.

How to stay ahead of the change:

  1. Install the New Extension: Download and install the Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper extension from the Google Web Store.
  2. Stay Informed: Visit the Adobe Target VEC Helper extension help page and the Google Manifest V2 support timeline page for more information and updates.

Useful Links:

Make the switch today to ensure your visual authoring experience remains seamless and uninterrupted!

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